
Sometimes staining or slight chipping of front teeth can become noticeable and bothersome and a filling may not be the best option. Staining and chipping of teeth as well as gaps between front teeth can be fixed using lumineers. Lumineers are thinly shaped porcelain that can be put over your natural tooth structure to fix these issues.

Since the porcelain put over your natural tooth is so thin, it allows for minimal tooth preparation which in turn means little to no discomfort for you! Lumineers allows the dentist to do anything from slight changes and enhancing your smile to completely changing the way your front teeth look. Lumineers can be done in 1-2 visits depending on the circumstance.




Veneers are a great way to reshape and change your whole mouth. Veneers are a thin ceramic shell that goes over your existing tooth structure. These veneers are able to fix staining, spaces between teeth, chipped teeth, rotated teeth as well as many other issues.

The process of placing veneers takes anywhere from two to three visits. The dentist will work hand in hand with you to discuss your new smile. Everything from shape, size and color will be discussed to make sure that we will get the best results possible. Once a plan is in place the next step is to prepare the teeth for placement of the veneers. Once the preparations are complete an impression is taken of your mouth and sent to the lab. The lab will use the guidelines discussed with the dentist to make the veneers match what was discussed as best as possible. The process of fabricating the crowns usually takes the lab anywhere from 10 to 14 days. While these veneers are being fabricated a temporary veneer will be placed to allow you to see approximately what your new veneers will look like as well giving protection to the prepared teeth.

Once the lab completes fabrication we will try on the veneers and make sure they fit in with your natural smile. Once bonded in your mouth veneers will feel like your own teeth. Veneers need to be cared for with regular dental check-ups and home care including brushing and flossing.



Whitening & Bleaching

Many foods can cause staining of your teeth and sometimes regular cleanings and home care isn’t enough to sustain your bright smile. Foods such as coffee, wine, and spaghetti sauce can leave your teeth looking yellow over time. Teeth whitening is a great way to restore the natural color of your teeth or even make them whiter than they’ve ever been.

The process of teeth whitening is simple and you can get started in just one appointment. A whitening tray is made customized to your teeth. All that is needed is an impression of your mouth, and we will fabricate custom whitening trays. Once the trays are made you just fill the trays in at night with whitening gel and leave the trays in for a short period of time. Results can be seen in just a few days and often times your teeth become 4-8 shades whiter!




While whitening trays often times lead to great results, sometimes intense staining is best removed using Zoom chairside whitening system. Zoom is an in-office whitening system that can whiten your teeth in only one appointment! Have a wedding to go to? Maybe you’re going on vacation and you want to look your best. Zoom whitening can enhance your smile by whitening your teeth in as little as one hour.